Inspirational Quotes!!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

My 2010 Wish List

Gosh, how time flies, we've arrived on the LAST day of 2009 and I have not even made any New Year resolutions yet!

Well, short of lamenting over 'unaccomplished' resolutions 1 year from now, I've decided to come up with a 2010 Wish List instead, here it goes...

1) Fewer Absentminded bosses
The boss who insists that he/she has not received that all important report from you although you've forwarded it to his/her email UMPTEEN times!

2) Fewer Simpleminded bosses
The boss who thinks that everything is done within a minute simply at the PUSH of a button...

3) Fewer Flickerminded bosses
The boss who decides to give you a raise one minute and not the next minute... Now was that a figment of my imagination or what?

4) Fewer Ghost-Twitts (by Ghost-Twitterers, who else?!)

5) Fewer Ghost-Facebooking (similar to point 4 above)

6) Fewer Slimy scheming and down right dirty Investment Bankers!

7) That people should take the Environment more seriously
Perhaps world leaders should next convene at the North Pole (instead of Copenhagen), so they can see the snow melting right before their eyes.

8) More Hope in the World

(CNN) A new National poll reports that Americans will usher in the new decade less hopeful than they were at the dawn of the millennium in 2000!

9) World Peace
I mean it, really.

10) Better Economic conditions in the world
Definitely. If not, how am I going to get that pay raise!

There you have it, my 2010 wish list.

What's your wishlist?
Drop a line or comment or two right now!

Cheers and see you in 2010!

Posted by Guest writer

Jacque K

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