Inspirational Quotes!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Be commited to Happiness - 2

How do we ‘practise’ being happy in daily life?
How do we ‘translate’ joy to practise in everyday life?
How do we 'make' ourselves happy, everday?

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.
It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

The glass is both half filled and half empty.
It depends on how you choose to perceive it!

Stop worrying and be Committed to being Happy - 1

We previously talked about WORRYING and how unproductive it is.
Worrying certainly gives you something to do but gets you nowwhere!

We can stop unnecessary worrying if we can distinguish between the things that are within our control and the things that are not within our grasp.
Then, we will realise that a lot of nitty gritty things that we worry about daily are really not in our control! So why worry ?

Bear in mind always that YOU are in control.

But isn't that contradictory?  Afterall, we just mentioned that a lot of things we worry about are not within our control ?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

On the Rocking Chair called 'Worry'

As humans, we are imperfect.
We have all made mistakes, we’ve all got things wrong, acted imappropriately, etc....
Whatever has happened, happened.
And there is no time machine for us to go back into the past to rectify our mistakes.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Stop acting like a Baby! (2) ... How to Stop Complaining

Most of the things we complain about are really beyond our control.
What’s the point then, yaking on and on about things you have no power to change?

But how do we stop ourselves from complaining?

Stop acting like a Baby! (1)

“Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.” —Dale Carnegie

As adults we sometimes still do act like Babies!

We attempt to be proactive in our life.
We set goals and puruse what we want.
But when things turn out otherwise, what do we do?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Letting Go, Moving on

Lovely story to share.
It is about holding on to things that we should really let go.
Here it goes...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

All about EQ (2)

What does EQ consist of really?

There are 5 parts really, they are:

1) Self-Awareness – This is the ability to be 'in the know' of your own moods and emotions and also how those moods affect people around you.

2) Self-Regulation – This is self-control or the ability to 'think before you act'.

3) Motivation – Self-explanatory- The desire/ drive to do or achieve something.

4) Empathy – This is the ability to understand how others feel and wish to be treated.

5) Social Skill – The ability to interact with people positively.

Just pause for a while and rethink the above in reverse order.

You will see that they work hand in hand with each other...
... To interact well with people, you need to empathise with them...
.... You also need to be motivated to want to socialise well with others...
.... But before that, you must first be able to control your feelings and behaviour ....
..... Before you can control your feelings and behaviour, you need to be able to regulate your behavior you must first be aware of it.

To start all these, you need to first be very aware of your feelings.
You need to be aware of your emotions, even before you act!

When you are conscious and aware, you can start controlling yourself.
You can then stop yourself from snapping at your colleagues or your friends or family).

But how do we become self-aware?
You need to learn to observe yourself!

This means you need to stay vigilent for situations where you will feel negative emotions (angry, sad, bitter).

For some people, keeping a diary may help in tracking your negative emotions and tendencies to behave negatively (ie, snapping at people, outbreak of anger, etc).

Try it today!

This may be your first step towards building your self-awareness, self-regulation and a NEW YOU!

Remember: EQ CAN be developed. Nuturing your EQ is a journey. By becoming familiar with the concept of EQ, you have just started the journey.

All about EQ (1)

EQ = Emotional Intelligence.
Just as IQ = Intelligence Quotient,

Just as we have Intelligence Quotient, we also have emotional intelligence.

It is not about how fast you can solve maths puzzles but it is about 3 things:

i) self understanding and other understanding.
ii) self handling and other handling.
iii) our ability to get along with others and build relationships.

You may think EQ is Not important:

"Nah, what's all this stuff got to do with my daily life?", or
"hmm.. I'm just the programming guy, my work doesn't deal with humans", or
".. but that's just a Concept for counsellors and psychologists to work around,
doesn't concern me!"

EQ was popularized by Daniel Goleman in 1995. He proposed that IQ is not the only factor for success. More importantly, it is the ability to get along, understand and deal with various people that will determine and contribute to success.

P. Salovey and J. Mayer defined Emotional intelligence as :
“the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among
them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action.”

The Center for Creative Leadership described the importance of EQ in 1994 :
"75% of careers are derailed for reasons related to emotional competencies, including inability
to handle interpersonal problems; unsatisfactory team leadership during times of difficulty or
conflict; or inability to adapt to change or elicit trust.”

So do you still think that EQ is not Important?

Think again...

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Being trained in psychology, I hope to share some insights through my blog. May it be a source of daily inspiration for all.