Inspirational Quotes!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Purpose in Life - Part 2

Previously we talked about everyone having a purpose in life.
Everyone is here for a reason.
Everyone is here to solve a certain problem or serve a certain purpose.

So where does that lead us? Knowing that we all have a unique purpose in life.

Do we just sit around?
Do we just wait for a ‘sign’ ?
Do we just wait for our purpose to be realised by itself?

Of course not! You need to be Proactive! What good is a screw driver if it is sitting in a box never to be used!

But how do you proceed if you are not sure of your purpose or have no idea what it is?

The solution is to look at the activities that you usually enjoy. Just think, what do you like doing? Is it talking to people, is it singing, is it writing or DIY jobs, etc? Continue doing the things that you enjoy doing, eventually you will know what your true purpose is, if you remain in action.

All in all, it is imperative that we focus and try to find our life purpose.
If you yourself do not know what your purpose is… then no one else will know either.
No one can benefit from it.

We should dedicate our life to discovering our purpose and fulfilling it.
It is only by doing so that we can attain ‘self-actualisation’, which is the realisation of one’s potential and the highest state in Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.

Be free to soar where you will, achieve your potential and your dreams!

Purpose in Life - Part 1

When I was a child, I used to keep birds and fish as pets.

I especially like playing with my fishes a lot. You may wonder, just how one plays with a fish?

Well, that’s simple. You see, I used to keep a small fish bowl with several small fishes inside (such as Angelfish, guppy and fighting fish). Whenever I fancy, I’ll stick my little palm into the bowl, grab a fish, take it out of the bowl and place it on the floor beside me.

Being a curious child, I noticed that when the fish is out of water, it could not move/walk /fly and it doesn’t seem to fare very well.

However, when I put the fish back into the water again… Viola! A miracle happened…and they were able to move freely again!

Now as I recall, I think we are like the fishes.

We may not all be rocket scientists or Mozart, but there must be something that we can do better than anyone else.
That something is our unique purpose!

All of us belong somewhere. In other words, there should be something that you can do better than anyone else. There should be a problem that you were created to solve, a problem that you will love solving.

Just like the fish, there is a place where you can swim freely.
Just like the bird, there is a place where you can soar to your heights freely.

When you are where you are supposed to be… NO one can compete with you!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cross Roads ...

Which Road Should I Take?

“Would you tell me which way I ought to go from here?” asked Alice.

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get,” said the Cat.

“I really don’t care where” replied Alice.

“Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

- Quote from the Alice in Wonderland Movie

Friday, August 28, 2009


Creativity ...

I would rather be

Insightful but naive than

matured but cliche!

How many times have we come up with an idea, be it for work, at home or just during everyday life?
How many times have we shrugged it off, saying to ourselves " Nah, don't be silly, nobody has done that before!"

Nobody has done it before!
So does that mean the idea will never work?
Or is it because, we are afraid of being ridiculed for doing something differently?

When Thomas Edison and other Scientists experimented with electrical light bulbs, it was a whole new ball game to the traditional candle light. But see how the humble light bulb has become an everyday necessity.

When Sigmund Freud came out with his psychoanalytic theories of personality, it was dismissed as unscientific and baseless. However, who would have know that the basis of his theories have spawned much research and theories in psychology.

The list can go on... but the point is obvious.

Perhaps we are too afraid of failure, ridicule or rejection.
Perhaps we just give ourselves too many excuses "nah, I'm not bright enough", "I'm not strong enough", etc, etc, etc

So we stick to 'tried and tested' ways of doing things and Living our lives!

Isn't it time, we challenge our old ways of thinking and start seeing the possibilities in change?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Excuses excuses...

As humans we are not only imperfect.

We also tend to make excuses.
Big excuses, small excuses, day in, day out

We all make excuses....

I can’t because …
...I’m too tired.
... I don’t have the time.
... I don’t have the money,
.... I don't have the equipment,
.... I don't have the space.
.... I am not talented enough
..... I am not smart enough

... I am not pretty enough

.. etc etc etc...

Excuses are like maggots.
They may be tiny but if there are a lot of them.
They will eventually eat us up!

So how do we stop excusing ourselves?

Let me recommend two ways:

i) Try to see the positive and the fun side of things!

Excuses are usually made because we don’t feel like doing something

Especially when we do not like to do something or feel negative about doing something,
for example,
wake up early in the morning for exercise, taking additional classes to learn more, etc
In such cases, try to adopt a positive attitude and look at the fun side of things.
Think about the fresh air, refreshing feeling of the morning air, or the interesting people you may meet in
class, etc

You’ll find yourself making fewer excuses.

2) Be accountable.

Excuses are our evil little ways of wriggling out of owning up to something or doing something. If we don’t have the time, money, etc., then it’s not our fault, right? Wrong. Start taking responsibility and soon you will see the solutions. In this light, it also helps if you have a workout partner, a project partner, or just someone to account to... get it?

See your goal and be motivated by it! Visualize your goals and just get started.

Let's all start having fun and stop making Excuses today !

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Are you fascinated by personality quizzes and tests?
I'm sure most of us like discovering more about ourself?
Actually, I am a HUGE fan of such Psychological tests.

There is a 2000 year old Psychological Test that offers great insights into your personality type.
This test works by identifying your primary negative tendency. And I can show you how to turn that around into positive ones.


The 5 primary tendencies and their corresponding emotions are:

1. Desire - The tendency to want to do certain things, or to feel a certain way, but these people are often frustrated by countless obstacles in their efforts.

2. Pride - People with this tendency think they are superior to everyone else.

3. Anger - These people feel angry all the time, even when things are going their way.

4. Jealousy - People in this group cannot stop comparing themselves to others.

5. Denial - This group covers the tendency of those who just "don't want to know."

You will usually relate to more than one of these tendencies.

Would you like to discover how to turn your negative emotions and tendencies into positive feelings? Read on...

1. Desire - The antidote for desire, is to learn to let go and allow the solution to come to you! Just as simple as that.

2. Pride - The antidote for Pride is to travel more and see more wonders of the natural world and its inhabitants (human and animals).

3. Anger - Angry people are often highly strung and tensed, the solution is to learn how to RELAX.

4. Jealousy - People in this group should devote more of their time to helping the less fortunate. Then, they will see how blessed they already are.

5. Denial - These people need to be told and led to the 'Truth' gently and in good timing

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Stress and Anxiety

When stressed, people usually feel anxious. Spielberger (1972) developed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) which distinguishes between state and trait anxieties.

State anxiety is one’s situational response to external threats.

The S-Anxiety scale consists of twenty statements that evaluate how respondents feel "right now, at this moment."

Example of the questions :

1 2 3 4
Not At All Somewhat Moderately So Very Much So

A. I feel at ease 1 2 3 4
B. I feel upset 1 2 3 4

Trait anxiety is one’s tendency to panic in expectation of threats.

The T-Anxiety scale consists of twenty statements that assess how respondents feel "generally."

Example of the questions :

1 2 3 4
Not At All Somewhat Moderately So Very Much So

A. I am a steady person 1 2 3 4
B. I lack self-confidence 1 2 3 4

Studies have concurred on this distinction and found that state and trait anxieties are correlated. (Bedell & Roitzsch, 1976; Laroque & Obrzut, 2006; Millimet & Gardner, 1972).

This means that people who are easily anxious when faced with a stressful situation are actually generally on a higher level of anxiety. Perhpas this is also related to the personality of neuroticism.

Hence, being uptight or anxious easily may perhaps be in one's blood after all.

Relationships and Plants

We all know that plants need watering and tender loving care.

Have you ever forgotten to water a plant for several days and noticed it withered?
Plants need attention, warmth and pruning and sometimes replanting – much like the Relationships in our lives!

Relationships can also wither away without time, attention and tender loving care.
However, relationships are even more complicated than plants.

Sometimes we may be at a loss as to which relationships need attention and which need replanting!
Sometimes we remain bitter or angry with our loved ones for a long time, so long that such negative emotions affect our health physically and mentally.
Indeed, don’t you feel a great weight off your shoulders when you finaly forgive someone or let things go?

Take a moment today to consider:

What relationships of yours need some time and kind attention?
Which relationships are overgrown and should be pruned back a little?
Is there any relationship due for replanting/rejuvenation?

What else can be more important than the relationships in our lives, for very often, they define our lives and who we are.

TAKE A LOOK at your RELATIONSHIPS Today, don’t neglect them, otherwise, they may not be there much longer.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Art of Breathing


It can transform your life.

Breathing is an act that we do automatically since birth. We take it for granted that we all know how to breathe. But do you really know how to breath correctly?

The correct way of Breathing should bedeep and gratifying.
One should feel rejuvenated and relaxed with each life sustaining breath.
One should inhale, relax and ket the air fill your diaphragm and your abdomen.
Correct breathing should engage not only the chest but the diaphragm and abdomen.

The wrong way of Breathing is shallow and tedious.
The wrong way of breathing is not gratifying and makes people feel more tensed and tired.
The breathing only engages the chest and shoulders, making the person more tired.

Breathing is a science as well as an Art.
Learn the art of Breathing now!

Breathe, when you feel stressed and overwhelmed,

Breathe, when you have too many tasks to do, or are scattered during your workday.
Breathe, when you are moving too fast.

Breathe, when you are worried about something coming up, or caught up in something that already happened
Breathe, when you are discouraged and have forgotten your purpose in life.

Breathing will remind you about how precious life is.

Each breath is a gift you need to appreciate.

Each breath will help bring you into focus, to concentrate on the most important task you need to be focusing on right now.

Breathing will remind you to slow down, and enjoy life more.

So breathe. And enjoy each moment of this life.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Secret to Happiness :

... lies in the Art of Simple Living!

“Simplicity is the essence of happiness.” - Cedric Bledsoe

A lot of the complexity in our lives come when we try to keep up certain appearances.
A simpler, happier life can be achieved when we drop those appearances and just live naturally, without pretense.

Do we spend a lot on expensive clothes so we can impress our superiors or fancy a huge house and luxury car to show off to our neighbours or try to impress others with our knowledge?

Shaking off these pretenses, results in simplicity and we become more true to ourselves.
Learn to live a simpler, more natural life, and drop the pretenses one at a time. You’ll be glad you did.

There are many ways you can live a simpler life in various areas. What areas have you changed by dropping pretenses? What areas would you like to change? Do feel free to share in the comments!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Collection of Inspirations : August 15

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." (Abraham Lincoln)

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination." (Rogers, 1961)

"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it." (W. A. Ward)

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Being trained in psychology, I hope to share some insights through my blog. May it be a source of daily inspiration for all.